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Re: Protecting a Single Web Page ...

On Tue, 21 May 1996 myvadlam@ibmmail.com wrote:

>      We are currently using Netscape Commerce Server. One of the features
>      provided is the Netscape UserDB to protect the entire WebSite. Is
>      there anyway, in Netscape Commerce Server just to protect a single
>      page ? If not is there any add-ons / programs to make it possible ?

  This is rather trivial to do from the Server Administration interface.

  Essentially, you create the database, add a user or users, and then 
specify an object to apply the protections to.  By default the protection 
rule applies to the entire server, but you can easily specify a different 
object to modify.

  You can also add a rule like the following to the obj.conf file for 
your server:

<Object ppath="path to the object you wish to protect">
AuthTrans fn="basic-ncsa" userfile="path to db file" auth-type="basic"
PathCheck fn="require-auth" realm="an arbitrary label" auth-type"basic"

  and restart it.


  Brian W. Spolarich - ANS CO+RE Systems - briansp@ans.net - (313)677-7311
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